Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Esthetic crown lengthening is a relatively simple procedure. It removes excess gum tissue and may reshape the bone to create a more attractive smile. It also helps to improve the overall health of the mouth. Periodontal disease can often be controlled or prevented by removing excess gum tissue. When more of the surface of a tooth is exposed, the periodontal pockets become smaller. Patients who feel they have a gummy smile often opt for this type of procedure.

Lip repositioning is an invasive procedure that permanently corrects a gummy smile by lowering the natural placement of the upper lip to drastically minimize the exposure of gums. The surgery limits the movement of hyperactive muscles in the upper lip, and is done by removing tissue from inside of the upper lip, to restrict the retraction of elevator muscles, reducing the appearance of the gums. The surgery results in a beautiful smile for patients, and does not impede your speech or other facial muscles.